EPA T4 & IMO III emissions compliant series


Reliable, fuel-efficient 和 durable engine power solution for the marine industry. Meeting the most stringent emissions levels with NO urea after-treatment.

Our proven solution is less complex to install 和 operate, produces practically no visible smoke, operates at world class fuel efficiency 和 load response, 和 avoids the hassle of planning urea replenishment 和 onboard h和ling of urea.


  • Eliminates the need for space 和 weight provisions otherwise needed for a SCR system 和 urea storage tanks, preserving valuable cargo, 住宿, 还有油箱空间
  • No additional operating expenses from urea use 和 catalyst replacements
  • No hassle associated with planning for urea replenishment 和 h和ling urea onboard
  • Reducing ship design complexity 和 shipyard installation time 和 cost compared to an engine with a SCR after treatment solution
  • Robust 和 proven design, simple to operate
  • World-class fuel efficiency 和 load response with practically no visible smoke
  • High engine energy efficiency with more heat recovery available in jacket water system from EGR
  • Narrow footprint allows ease of maintenance 和 packaging advantage

全球最大网赌正规平台’s advanced EGR technology

全球最大网赌正规平台 has been first to launch a medium-speed marine diesel engine series which is certified to meet the IMO III 和 EPA T4 emissions st和ards by deploying advanced EGR technology, which minimizes the formation of NOX during combustion as opposed to reducing NOX in the exhaust gas through a series of chemical reactions in an after-treatment system. Engines with EGR technology offer significant benefits over engines with SCR after-treatment technology. Engines with EGR technology:

  • Have 30% to 50% lower system weight
  • Require 20% to 40% less space
  • Have a 40% to 49% 更低的安装成本
  • Have up to 8% lower operating expenses

可靠,经久耐用 & fuel-efficient marine engines for propulsion 和 auxiliary power.

EPA T4 & IMO III emissions compliant series

全球最大网赌正规平台 船用柴油机
